Dr. Patrick Love
Principal, Love Training and Coaching
Patrick’s career in higher education has spanned managerial work in student affairs, academic affairs, and as a professor in college student affairs.
At least two themes have run through Patrick's professional accomplishments as an executive leader, coach, trainer, and graduate professor - transcending dichotomies and rejecting conventional wisdom. He has transcended the dichotomy of academic affairs and student affairs, having served as both a high-level academic administrator (Associate Provost and Graduate Program Director) and a high-level student affairs administrator (VPSA at two different institutions). In fact, at Springfield College he was both the VPSA and the SAA Graduate Program Director. In each of his roles, he transcended the dichotomies of faculty/administrator and teaching/practice. He is one of the very few people who earned tenure as a professor at a research university, then left faculty to return to administration and eventually become a VPSA.
As a leader in and out of the classroom, he has forged his own path often defying conventional wisdom. For example, during the pandemic, he determined that his institution would bring back ALL their students in the fall of 2020 (one of only three institutions in New England to do this) and co-led the effort to safely and successfully accomplish this feat, saving his institution several million dollars. Additionally, the curriculum he developed for the master's program at Springfield College meets the standards of the profession, yet is unlike any other in the United States. Innovations that he created or inspired in many of his positions are still in place, including some after many years.
It is these perspectives that are infused into his philosophy and practice of training and coaching. Evidence of his success and impact are apparent throughout his career. He is the author of five books (including Rethinking Student Affairs Practice and Leadership and Management Issues for the New Century), and scores of refereed articles and chapters. Many of his students and staff have gone onto higher degrees and to executive positions, including college president. His awards are numerous, including the Robert H. Shaffer Distinguished Alumni Award (presented to a graduate of the Indiana University Higher Education doctoral program), Pillar of the Profession, Excellence in Institutional Change, Outstanding Senior Level Professional, Outstanding Contribution to Student Affairs through Teaching (twice, from two different organizations), Outstanding Contribution to Higher Education, Cultural Diversity Award, Pillar of Mentorship, and Outstanding Contribution to the Profession.
Patrick earned his doctorate in Higher Education and Student Affairs from Indiana University and his master's degree in Counseling Psychology and Student Development from University at Albany. He has varied outside interests including adventure photography, mountain biking, Ultimate frisbee, meditation, hiking, and backpacking. His faithful companion is Bayley, a two-year old American dingo.
Patrick is an innovative, collaborative leader committed to both student AND staff success, he has been my cheerleader and provided invaluable guidance.
Marylee Demeter, Senior Assessment Developer